Friday, March 12, 2010

The First Smile

It truly melts your heart when your child smiles for the first time. I remember like it was yesterday when Jake and Jordyn did it, and now, this will forever be in my memory bank. The difference this time, is that Mike is not around to see it. So, for him, I posted this little video of Zoe smiling. I hope that my child continues to smile forever and follow in her sister and brother's footsteps, because they sure do have a lot to smile about!!!


Jessie said...

OH MY GOODNESS! She's such a cutie. Love how her face lights up when she smiles- and she looks like she's trying to talk to you!
So sweet!

Brian, Stacey and Shelby said...

Sweet baby smile! Congrats to your family of five!

Elizabeth said...

So, so sweet! :) Thanks for sharing (even though I know it's for Mike - call me egocentric). Hope you're enjoying your time with the kids even though he's gone. She's a beautiful little girl!