Thursday, September 3, 2009

Schultz Family Update

So, it's been a fun and exciting week since Auntie Kristy has been visiting and daddy joined the baseball team again. Over a week ago, Mike caught a ball barehanded and bruised his pitching hand which led him to go on the 10 day D.L. He rejoined the team today in Nagoya, so luckily things are better and he's ready to finish out the season. We have done some fun activities with Kristy and will be going to Tokyo on Monday. The weather has been amazing and actually enjoyable.

Playing Dora and Diego, feeding the turtles, at the Shukkein Gardens

My almost 4 year old...where has the time gone?

My silly goose entertaining even in the bathtub

Since I am always the one taking the pictures, Auntie Kristy took this one of me and my handsome fella!

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so hopefully our child will have his/her legs open and we can tell the gender. We tried this 2 weeks ago and already learned that our sweet child was very modest and didn't want us to know what "parts" he/she has. It's all in God's hands, so we'll see.

Jake and Jordyn started regular school again after having almost a 2 month hiatus. They went to camp during this time, but it's definitely not the same. Today they came home telling me how much they love their teachers and their friends. I guess they will have to love them up quickly because we will most likely be home in about 5 or so weeks. We are getting geared up for the offseason planning lots of fun trips before the next Schultzy arrives. We will probably live in the same condo as we did last offseason and we are really looking forward to seeing our friends and family.

So, that is our deal....for now! I will update as soon as something exciting happens, like perhaps the announcement of our tie breaker. One girl, one boy, what will it be?

Lastly, I wanted to post a video especially for my friend Heidi at home.....does this bring back any memories? This is Jordyn's favorite song to sing.....thanks to my sweet mom teaching it to her!


Jamie Cormier Photography said...

That is so cute! I love Jordyn's singing - let us know what the "tie breaker" is! :)

Jessie said...

oh my word, I just want to smoosh her! she's just like YOU! crack me up, thanks for sharing and what's the word on the little bean?

Ashley Brooke Barden said...

I remember when we bought those dresses!! Ava wore hers the other day! So cute!
Yay for girls!!!!
Love about naming her Ashley? lol